The Great American Pit Bull Terrier
This is a Site dedicated to all the Pits that have suffered at the hands of man. I wish I could help every Pit Bull to find a loving home but since I cant I hope to teach others about this amazing animal. This site is new and Im always adding on so come back often!

I hope that people will research this breed before judging and understand that it is not the breeds fault that so many have fell into the hands of cruel heartless people. I have owned many and also been a foster to pit bulls in need and I can say that these animals are not monsters at all but loyal loving companions that I would trust around my child before most people! These dogs have been through enough and its time to take a stand and before you judge do your research. Check out the American Temperment Testing Society for stats on Pit bulls and other breeds. Please watch the video below! Also please link to my page so we can continue to teach people about this great animal!
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