Alderman puts off vote on mandatory dog, cat sterilization measure
Originally posted: March 12, 2009
Posted by Hal Dardick at 10:35 a.m.; updated at 1:30 p.m. with lack of vote
A powerful Chicago alderman today put off a vote on his proposal to require nearly all cats and dogs to be sterilized following hours of testimony from those on both sides of the issue.
Several aldermen raised questions about whether the ordinance sponsored by Ald. Ed Burke (14th) could be considered a government intrusion.
Burke, who put off the vote after saying the court reporter hired to document the hearing had to leave, said he plans to push ahead, though he didn't say when.
“I still believe there is a sufficient number of votes to pass this thing,” he said at a joint meeting of Finance and License and Consumer Protection committees.
The deferral came after dozens of backers of the spay/neuter ordinance filled council chambers wearing oversized, round yellow stickers that said "Vote Yes to Safety Ordinance!" Those were being handed out by volunteers for PAWS Chicago, a prominent no-kill animal humane society.
Supporters said sterilization makes animals less aggressive, though opponents disagree. A handful of opponents wore smaller white buttons that simply said "No."
Backers also said the measure will reduce the number of stray animals euthanized each year.
Burke said 4.5 million U.S. residents are bitten by dogs each year. Nearly half are under 12 years old, he said.
“The overwhelming majority of dog bite cases involve intact males,” he said at the start of the hearing. The ordinance “could help to minimize preventable attacks.”
Burke said he expected a vote today and to be able to get it passed by both the committee considering it today and the full City Council next week. That didn't happen, however.
Ald. Ray Suarez (31st) appeared to oppose. "It really doesn't make a lot of sense when you tell me what a dog owner can do," Suarez said.
Ald. Ed Smith (28th) also said he was opposed to it, after questioning how much it woukd do to prevent dog attcks. "We're on the wrong track," he said.
Chicago Police Sgt. Mark George, head of the animal crimes unit, said the ordinance would be “a tool to go after the bad guys, the gang bangers, involved in this kind of activity.”
He said gang members often have intact dogs they own as status symbols, for dog fights or both.
George said a state law that prohibits felons who have done prison time in the last 10 years from owning dogs that haven’t been sterilized and “chipped” has been useful to officers on the street.
But Ald. Freddrenna Lyle (6th) questioned the need for another “tool.” She also said “only responsible people” would comply with the ordinance.
Dr. Allan Drusys, chief veterinarian for Riverside County in California, where a similar law was passed in January but has yet to take effect, said Santa Cruz County has mandated sterilization since 1995, and nearby cities followed suit.
As a result, he said, the number of strays has been reduced by about a third, and the numbers of animals euthanized each year has dropped by more than half. Drusys called that an “overwhelming success.”
In an interview after his testimony, he said sterilizing dogs helps prevent them from fighting and otherwise causing trouble. “If they are spayed or neutered, they are not looking for love in all the wrong places,” Drusys said.
If the measure is approved, Chicago would join Los Angeles, which passed a similar measure last year, as the only major U.S. cities to require sterilization of all cats and dogs. In the case of Chicago, the animals would have to be sterilized before they are six months old, compared to four months in Las Angeles.
Former TV show host Bob Barker came to Chicago last July to promote the measure, which is opposed by the Illinois Kennel Club and Chicago Veterinary Medical Association, saying sterilization decisions are best left to animal owners and their veterinarians.
Since the ordinance was introduced last summer, Burke has softened it. A third offense for failing to neuter or spay a pet now would trigger a $100-a-month fine, compared to a single $500 fine, pet impoundment and forced sterilization under the original.
Veterinarians no longer would be required to report non-sterilized animals, and breeders would not have to immunize pets before sale and later report the name, address and phone number of each buyer.
Exceptions are carved out in the measure for animals owned by licensed dog breeders, registered show animals, work dogs and guide dogs. Pets also can be exempted if a veterinarian provides a note saying it should not be sterilized for medical reasons.
Breeders would have to obtain a permit, at a cost of $100 a year, and they would have to undergo a criminal background check, if the ordinance is approved.
Burke said there were 87 people signed up to speak in favor of the ordinance and 42 against it.
Meanwhile, Ald. Eugene Schulter (47th) said a clear majority of his residents back the measure, so he plans to vote for it. He said that, of course, before hearing any testimony.
