Carol Stream man gets jail time in dog abuse case
February 23, 2009 12:14 PM | 10 Comments
A Carol Stream man who abused his former girlfriend's Jack Russell terrier and caused the dog to lose an eye was sentenced Monday to 10 days in the DuPage County Jail and ordered to undergo counseling and perform 150 hours of community service.
Randall Madison, 26, was convicted earlier this month of cruelty to animals by DuPage Judge Jane Mitton, who Monday also placed the defendant on two years of probation and ordered him to pay $200 in fines and $1,492.32 to his former girlfriend for veterinarian bills.
Assistant DuPage County State's Attorney John Blumenschein said that the dog, Sophie, was about 9 months old and weighed about 15 pounds on Dec. 29, 2007, when it suffered several severe injuries, including the loss of her left eye and numerous bruises around the face and neck.
Defense attorney Scott Browers said that Madison admitted "rough housing" with Sophie while babysitting the pet at his then-girlfriend's Carol Stream home and falling on top of the animal, causing the eye injury. Madison claimed that the bruising occurred when he was pulling on a leash to get the animal to go to treatment, Browers said.
"He knows he handled the situation poorly," said Browers.
Blumenschein presented testimony from an emergency room veterinarian and a treating veterinarian who told Mitton that the dog's injuries could not have occurred as the defendant claimed.
-- Art Barnum
