Cesar's Community Newsletter
New Beginnings!
In order for us to transform our experience, I believe we first have to take look at what is not working. I feel that when we are able to look at a scenario by detaching ourselves from the experience, we can see what has been hidden from our view. This, I think, is where we can find where some of the errors have occurred, and even possibly take some responsibility (all for the good), and see how we can transform our experience and the relationship between us and our dogs.
Here is a fresh tip for your New Year beginning:
If particular scenarios have not been working with your dog, it doesn’t mean it absolutely can’t be solved. I encourage you to invite your family members and or friends to try new strategies together with you. It’s always exciting when you are trying new things together and doing it in the spirit of fun!
For more useful New Year tips, click here
LIVE VIP Q&A Session with Cesar - Cesar’s next LIVE VIP Q&A session will be held this coming Monday, January 26th at 2:30pm ET. We are very excited to be adding video to the event this time and it will be located on our CESAR LIVE page. On Monday, please go to http://www.sessionswithcesar.com/cesarlive.aspx to read course members submitted questions and watch Cesar’s video answers. Plus sign up today for the course, so you have a chance for Cesar to answer your question at the next event in March!
Community News: As an integral part of the course, we are excited to make a major upgrade to the community – share photos and videos of your dog or pack with others starting next week! Don’t forget to visit the community to post your holiday snaps!
Holiday Prices EXTENDED New Year News - We’ve extended our great holiday offers starting at only $12.50 per month for new membership packages. Remember those New Year resolutions - you and your loved ones and friend can start the year on the right track!
Today January 23rd at 8pm EST, Cesar is up against an anxiety-ridden Cattle dog/Blue Heeler, followed by a fat and fearful Bassett Hound.
And on January 30th at 8pm EST, a review of Cesar's toughest tiny cases, plus one – a nasty Chihuahua called El Diablo! Can Cesar best this devilish dog?
Read more about Dog Whisperer.
The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan airs every Friday at 8 PM on the National Geographic Channel.
The Cesar and Ilusion Foundation - The Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation would like to thank Blankets of Love and L.A. Animal Services for their participation in our blanket drive. During the premiere of Cesar's new movie Beethoven's Big Break, moviegoers donated old blankets and towels to help the animals in LA shelters get through the long, cold winter on concrete floors. Animal shelters across the United States are in need of towels and blankets to help their animals get through the winter. Check with your local shelter to see how you can donate.
Find out how you can help!
Sessions with Cesar Rescue Program Update – We are signing up more rescues every week and helping to save more dogs’ lives. Do you know of rescues in your area that we could support too?Click here to find out more the Program, what we are doing and how you could help.
North Shore Animal League - Be a pack leader with Cesar and North Shore Animal League America. Make a New Year’s resolution to save a life by adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue group. The Animal League rescues, nurtures and adopts nearly 20,000 pets each year, but millions more are homeless, waiting in shelters for someone to make them a part of their family. It’s time for change; adopting a rescue dog is the right choice. Learn more at www.AnimalLeague.org
Live Q & A Sessions with Cesar occur every 6 – 8 weeks for course members. The next event will be Monday January 26, 2009 at 2:30pm ET. Go to CESAR LIVE at http://www.sessionswithcesar.com/cesarlive.aspx to see Cesar answer course members’ questions.
Check out great new community features next week. Photos and videos to come!
xl0stangelx - I'm sure you all will get plenty of posts from me. I’m taking in as much as possible off this forum and I have learned so much thanks to all of you!... I do need a little guidance in the socialization of our puppy. Yes, we've had her about 2 weeks now and she is 4-5 months old and a black lab mix she is very sweet and loving with myself and my family. Once she is comfortable with someone she's fine, but any new people she sees or meets she growls and barks at them. Any advice or techniques would be greatly appreciated!!
DOGter - Your correction should match or be more intense than the dogs energy at that moment. Example - if he is walking just ahead of you but generally very well and you want him to drop back then "a gentle tug" is just the message he needs. If he is fixated on something other than you and is dragging your arm out of the socket the message needs to be much clearer. Check out any whisperer episode and concentrate on Cesar’s energy while he is correcting he always matches intensity with intensity. If you worry, your dog will worry. If you are calm your dog will relax. If you are exited he will jump and run with joy. Your mind is a very important part of the rehabilitation process. The past is dead and gone so leave it there concentrate on what you want to achieve and go for it.
Click here to read more.
Sharing and Caring – we are all very excited to be adding new features to the community next week to improve community members’ ability to share experiences, advice and ideas. Adding to the forums, you will soon be able to upload photos and videos of you and your dog as well. Come back next week and check it out!
Cesar recommends including your dog when setting your New Year’s resolutions. How can you improve your relationship with your dog? Make a commitment to being an even better pack leader! Read Cesar’s suggested New Year’s Resolutions here.
