'Dangerous Dog' Found Not Guilty
'Dangerous Dog' Found Not Guilty — on the Grounds that She Has No Teeth
April 6, 2001 Aberporth, Wales, UK
Defense attorney Colin Taylor said, "This must be the most ridiculous case ever brought before this court."
The prosecution was going for the death penalty. Allegedly, Beth the 13-year-old dog growled at two elderly women, and "they were left distressed."
Under the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991 (c.65), the court "may order the destruction of any dog in respect of which the offence was committed."
But then the defense called Beth, their star witness, to the stand. She was asked to open her mouth, and when she did, she revealed nothing but gums.
Editor's note: I suppose she was asked to "show the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth."
...Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Said Mr. Taylor, "The dog has no teeth. How on earth could it be classed as dangerous?"
Owner Maxine Turner of Aberporth told Cardigan magistrates that all Beth's teeth had dropped out two years before.
"She can't even chew her dog food because she hasn't got a tooth in her head. What is she going to do - lick people to death?" added Ms. Turner.
Beth was found overwhelmingly not guilty.
