Dog Escaping & Roaming
Responsible owners do not let their dogs roam. Roaming endangers your dog's life, safety and health. A roaming dog can threaten wildlife and be a public nuisance. It is your responsibility to assure that your dog cannot escape from your property. No dog is perfect so do not expect your dog to always be able to resist the temptation of following children, visiting other dogs or chasing cats.
Dogs that are isolated or confined for long periods of time become bored and restless. They may try to escape to find entertainment elsewhere. The escape act itself may be a form of entertainment. Many dogs escape just for the fun and challenge of it. Schedule daily exercise, play and training sessions with your dog. A good, hardy play session especially with other dogs will tire your dog and give him the exercise he needs. A happy, well-exercised dog will contentedly sleep the day away while you are not home.
Make your property escape-proof. Provide your dog with an out-door run or fenced-in area. Be sure the fence is tall enough to prevent jumping or climbing. If your dog is digging under the fence, continue the fence underground by hammering metal stakes into the ground every couple of feet. If you don't want to build a fence, buy a dog run.
Dogs cannot resist the call of nature. If an unneutered male dog smells a female dog in heat, he will do whatever possible to get to her, no matter what the cost. Do not torment your dog - get him neutered, get her spayed.
If you expect your dog to stay on his own property, be sure he enjoys it there and does not regard it as a prison. Spend time playing with your dog here. Make this a fun place to be; give him special treats and chew toys here. Provide a digging pit. Get him a playmate. If you don't want another dog, invite his favorite buddy over to spend the day with him.
Some dogs try to escape because they are frightened. Observe your dog while he is confined. Is there something that is scaring him? Sometimes loud construction noises or teasing passersby can make your dog nervous. Again, the solution is in making your dog feel secure, content and relaxed in this area. Spend time with him there and help him build his confidence about being alone. Provide him a secure hiding place in his area in the form of a dog house or crate.
