Dog Food Recall Explodes from Cross Contamination
Menu Foods, manufacturer of more than 100 brands of dog food subject to recall, due to contaminated wheat gluten causing kidney failure and death in thousands of dogs, today significantly expanded that recall.
Now, dog food not made with suspect wheat gluten but manufactured at the same facilities as previously recalled dog food, has been added to the list. The reason, cross contamination.
Evidence of cross contamination has been reported to Menu Foods from a consumer and study results, according to its own press release.
The continuing expansion of the dog food recall, while reports of kidney failure and death in dogs dominate many news channels, point to a deeper flaw in the manufacture and marketing of dog food.
That problem is the almost ‘Wild West’ atmosphere in which virtually any ingredient could be included in dog food, labeled a nutrient using deceptive wording, and sold to unsuspecting dog owners intent on buying a healthy dog food product.
This has been easy for the dog food industry as there is virtually no regulation in this area. The FDA is under financed and has insufficient manpower to monitor plant production. Animal food does not have to meet the same standards as human grade food. As a result, inclusions labeled as protein sources are frequently far more sinister on its face than labels suggest.
The dog food industry was founded in America has an answer to business demands for a viable and profitable outlet for industrial waste which includes diseased animal parts, buy-products, fillers and slaughterhouse refuse.
That the current dog food recall continues to dominate worldwide attention is evidence of a widespread disregard by the dog food industry for the well being of dogs and pets worldwide.
In a laughable response to a recent U.S. Senate hearing the pet food industry proclaimed their products “safe” while dogs and cats lay dead and dying in veterinary hospitals from the United States to South Africa.
Dog owners should not be shocked at news of the unhealthy nature of dog food products, when even regulated human food supplies are at risk.
Caroline Smith DeWaal of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Stated recently that “We see the pet food recall as a warning sign for the government that they need to do more to protect the food supply,” “It could easily happen to an ingredient used in human food as well.”
So what should a dog owner do?
• Make sure that your dog is not being fed any of the dog food subject to recall.
• If at all possible, start feeding your dog a diet that is natural and healthy for both Fido’s health and your wallet. An example of such a dog food diet can be seen at :
• If your dog shows any signs of illness, contact your veterinarian immediately. If contaminated dog food is the cause of illness in your dog, time is of the absolute essence.
