Dog lovers come to rescue at Monika's
13/04/2009 1:15:24 PM
SYDNEY'S biggest private dog rescue group, which saves more than a thousand animals from being put down each year, has won a last-minute reprieve and will be able to keep its doors open for at least three more months.
Monika's Doggie Rescue was facing closure within weeks due to the global financial crisis until donations poured in from concerned dog lovers, following a story in the Herald last week.
The group's website crashed repeatedly and the phone line was constantly engaged as cash donations flooded in from supporters. By the end of the day of the story, $75,000 had been raised, securing the centre's short-term future.
"I'm just over the moon. I'm so relieved," said the founder, Monika Biernacki. "I can't believe how supportive Sydney dog lovers have been. And it's such a relief to be able to tell the kennel hands that we pay on a casual basis not to panic."
The group has been operating for 17 years, saving nearly 8500 dogs in that time. It is one of the few rescue organisations that operates a "no-kill" policy, guaranteeing the dogs it receives from the RSPCA and other shelters will never be euthanased and will be rehomed.
The recent crisis came about because donations had dried up while at the same time more people were giving up their dogs for financial reasons and fewer people were coming forward to adopt unwanted animals.
Ms Biernacki said the challenge now was to secure the long-term future of her group.
"We still have to look at the next 12 months," she said. "We need to hit a target of $300,000 to keep us going and not just be hand to mouth."
