Dog lucks out on finding caring rescuers, healers
February 25, 2009
Advocate Reporter
NEWARK -- Newark resident Debi Ketter is reaching out for help to save Lucky, a 2-year-old beagle/hound mix she rescued Feb. 16 on a local freeway.
The white, black and russet dog had a broken leg and required major surgery to insert a steel plate to keep the bones in place. The medical bills for the dog, including neutering, are $1,000, and Ketter is trying to raise the money. She has collected $200.
"I rescue whatever dog God puts in front of me," Ketter said.
Longtime dog rescuers, Debi and her husband, Greg Ketter, stopped when they spotted Lucky the first time near Country Club Drive and Ohio 16, where he apparently had been dumped. The dog was waiting for his owners to return.
The couple tried unsuccessfully for two hours to capture him with help from passers-by, but they were unsuccessful. However, they were able to herd him onto the bike path away from traffic.
The next day, the Ketters tried again to capture Lucky and found him in the same spot, curled up beside the fence on Ohio 16. As soon as he saw them, the chase was on, and it wasn't long before he was heading back into traffic. Debi Ketter contacted Newark police, and they sent Animal Control Officer Toby Wills, on his day off, to the rescue.
After Wills was able to capture the dog, the Ketters knew they couldn't take him to the pound because of his injuries. So they went to All Tails 'R' Waggin', 1591 Worthington Road, Pataskala, where the owner, Renee Nichols, also runs the All Tails Rescue Group. Debi Ketter volunteers with the group and also works as the accountant for the kennel and dog-grooming business.
They took the dog to a veterinarian that same day and were given three options for the leg, which had been broken for three weeks: amputation, inserting pins in leg bone and wiring the fracture or inserting a steel plate. The best solution for the dog was the plate.
The vet technicians started calling the dog Lucky.
The dog is back at All Tails 'R' Waggin', recuperating from his surgery for six weeks before he will be able to go to a permanent home. During the initial chase, Lucky barred his teeth at Greg Ketter, but now the dog has turned into a gentle, loving animal. He has to wear a wide, white collar to keep him from gnawing at his bandages for several weeks.
"It's amazing the turnaround he made," Debi Ketter said. "From what we thought was aggression apparently was fear or pain. Now he is a sweetheart."
Additional Facts
To make a donation for Lucky's surgeries, send checks to All Tails Rescue Group, 12591 Worthington Road, Pataskala, OH 43062 made payable to Renne Nichols. To use PayPal, go to and enter and put "Lucky" on the description line.
Anyone interested in adopting Lucky may apply at All Tails 'R' Waggin' or call (740) 927-0555.
