Dog stabbed after attack in Boulder Creek
By Alia Wilson
Posted: 04/12/2009 01:30:45 AM PDT
BOULDER CREEK -- A Boulder Creek man stabbed a dog that had broken from its chain near the Mountain Store and attacked the two dogs he was walking Saturday, according to sheriff's deputies.
The man was walking his dogs along Pool Drive around 2 p.m. when a dog deputies described as aggressive broke free from where it was tied up in front of a home. The dog immediately attacked the other two dogs and could not be pushed away, deputies said. The man then stabbed the dog, which ended up dying shortly after the fight, according to deputies.
"Once the dog went down, the other dogs still tried attacking it," Sheriff's Office Sgt. Jim Ross said. "The owner of the tied-up dog ran out at one point and tried to separate the dogs when the other man pushed him to the ground, possibly breaking his hip."
Ross said the two men had a history and that the dog had broken free in the past.
"We're still investigating at what point the man was thrown to the ground and whether they were trying to separate the fight and one man happened to go down or whether someone lost their temper and it got physical," Ross said.
Animal Control was called to pick up the dead dog and contain the other two.
Ross said the two men were cooperating in the investigation. No arrests were made late Saturday.
