For the love of PetBulls
Why create a web site devoted to defend the reputation of PitBulls? Here's why:
"I can't believe that in this day and age, of everything we now know about these
killers, how could anyone have an adoption site for them!! This is absolutely
SICK!! A waste of internet space and a serious waste of my time!
This charming note was sent to to Pit Bull Rescue Central on 03/00. It is not the only one of its kind the organization has received. Not everyone has realized yet that PitBulls are not monsters, but victims of irresponsible and abusive owners. Of any other breed I can think of, these dogs have it by far the hardest. Hated and feared by the public, persecuted by the media, fought, abused and neglected by unscrupulous owners, banned by municipalities and even entire countries, and as is if was not enough, the majority of shelters across the nation destroy Pit Bulls regardless of their background and temperament, and without a fair evaluation. The harassment against this wonderful breed is relentless.
Newspapers and TV shows contribute directly to the misfortune of these dogs by presenting them as nothing but vicious monsters. It's no surprise that this kind of negative publicity discourages good owners and attracts every undesirable individual who wants a dog for the wrong reasons... keeping the ball rolling for the dogs' misfortune, and providing more stories for the media to exploit....
As incredible as it sounds, our modern civilization is still filled with barbaric individuals who thrive on blood sports (as long as they are not the ones in the ring, of course!). Just here in North America, a significant amount of PitBull fanciers, who call themselves "dogmen", fulfill their need for violence and money by planting the urge to fight into these dogs through selective breeding. Then they try to justify this cruel activity with all sorts of twisted and convoluted logic. There are so many of these "illusionists" on the web, in books, and sometimes even in person, that it is difficult not to get tricked by the propaganda they work so hard to disseminate.
Not only the dogs have it hard, but things are not easy for people trying to help them as well. Good folks who have the courage to open their heart to this breed must face the challenge of defending their "kids" against prejudice and injustices dished on them from all sides of society. "PetBull" owners are often trapped between a segment of the population who wish to see their beloved pets rot in hell, and a bunch of pit fighters who claim these dogs should have no other life than hooked to a chain waiting for their next match and producing litter after litter. It takes quite a bit of guts and lots of dedication to be above all that, and to recognize Pit Bulls as the wonderful companions and great family pets they really are.
Pit Bull with Family
But we are out there!!!
This site proves it.
Hundreds of signatures in the guestbook from PitBull lovers and supporters from around the world; Hundreds of pictures to show the planet what great pets these dogs are, and a mailing list that runs full capacity, filled with people hoping to make a difference and find solutions for the sake of the breed they love.
For those of us who truly care about these dogs and welcome them in our homes as cherished members of the family, the struggle we have to put up is more than worth it.
All we need to do is look into the eyes of our beloved PetBull friend -the unconditional love and devotion we find is our biggest reward.
Note: PitBulls have particular characteristics and awesome physical abilities that can be difficult to handle for first time dog owners, or for people who don't understand the breed very well. For more information, please read PBRC Breed-Info and join PitBull-L.
