KTEN Viewers Sound Off About Dog Abuse Case
Updated: Feb 19, 2009 04:24 PM MST
Drama in a Denison justice of the peace court has many KTEN viewers sounding off... Each of them echoing support for a woman and her dogs. Here's a sampling of what some of your fellow-viewers had to say.
"Nelda from Whitewright. I'm just a little bit concerned with the woman that had all those dogs that looked like they were in good condition. The poor woman has nowhere to go, and now, the court is going to order her to pay $3,000. Where's the help and compassion that we're supposed to show for our neighbors. I don't understand."
"Kevin, Denison. I'd just like to know what that woman with the dogs did that cost anyone $3,000. You know, these judges think they are God, and that they can just do whatever they want to whoever they want to do it to... and think of them no more. Don't be late with your money, or we'll put you in jail. We don't care. Thank you."
"Pru Hutchinson, Durant, Oklahoma. I'm calling in regards to the lady who had her dogs moving in the car with her. I don't think they should have took her dogs. They all look healthy... didn't look like she had abused them, or anything. They should have helped her find another house, so that she could keep her dogs. I think it's really sad for someone to take their pets away from them. It's really bad."
Would you like to sound-off about this story? Share you opinions by calling the KTEN Sound Off Line at 903 337-4041. We'll share some of your comments with other viewers on future newscasts.
