Make Your Own Homemade Dog Food and Biscuits
by Jennifer D. Fuchs
As a pet owner these days, you are probably more concerned about the commercial food and biscuits your pet eats as there has been lots of bad press about it recently. Though some commercials promote their dog foods as “safe”, it may not be so as they generally mix in artificial flavoring and coloring and add preservatives and other fillers in their products.
Dubious ingredients in dog food is understandably a great concern to many pet owners however, what you may not know is that there is an alternative to buying commercial dog food at all. Homemade dog food and biscuits or other doggy treats, are simple to make and very worthwhile.
Cooking your dog’s meals is not hard. In fact it is likely to be easier than cooking for your family! The same basic techniques for making your own food are used for making homemade dog food and biscuits, although of course the latter will be flavored with such unusual flavors as beef or chicken. Homemade dog food and biscuits contains wonderfully nutritious ingredients, prepared and selected by you such as meat and fresh vegetables.
Unlike canned or packaged dog food, the potential for harmful ingredients is practically eliminated since the ingredients used are fit for human consumption. Recipes for homemade dog food and biscuits tend to contain ingredients which can already be found in your fridge and pantry, ensuring your dog eats as healthily as you do.
Before you start preparing your own homemade dog food and biscuits, it’s a good idea to observe your pet’s eating habits. Make a note of what his favorite flavors are and which flavors he dislikes. This will give you a good idea of which recipes are best suited to his tastes when you begin to look for recipes for homemade dog food and biscuits. It will save you both time and money because you won’t make the mistake of buying and preparing food your dog won’t eat.
Making homemade dog food and biscuits are is a wonderful way to express your care and concern for your beloved pet. Buying choice ingredients is an investment in the health of your dog. You can add years to his life and help him feel happy, healthy and energized.
Many owners who make the switch to homemade dog food and biscuits soon find the thought of purchasing ready-made pet food strange. After all, if we worry about what goes into our food, shouldn’t we also worry about what we feed our best friend?
