More than 200 dogs seized from Ozark County kennel
News-Leader staff 2/25/2009
After three recent raids to remove abused and neglected animals on southwest Missouri properties, more than 200 dogs were seized today from an Ozark County kennel.
The Missouri Department of Agriculture and the Ozark County Sheriff’s Department took the dogs from River Valley Puppies Kennels, an unlicensed breeding facility near Tecumseh were the dogs were living in inadequate conditions, the Missouri Department of Agriculture said.
Authorities began investigating the facility, which had never passed an inspection with the Department of Agriculture, in September, when animal abuse and neglect was suspected, the department said.
At that time, the facility was asked to surrender 50 dogs, pay the Department of Agriculture a penalty fee for not having a license and have a clean inspection without violations by Jan. 31, but River Valley Puppies Kennels violated the agreement, the department said.
When the Department of Agriculture discovered the kennel was continuing to operate its business without a license, it worked with the Ozark County Sheriff’s Department to remove the dogs from the property. The Department of Agriculture is now working with animal shelters across the state to place the dogs.
Operating a kennel facility without a license in Missouri is a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine, the Department of Agriculture said.
“Unlicensed breeders in the state put reputable licensed breeding professionals at a competitive disadvantage and the health and safety of the animals at risk,” John Hagler, director of the Department of Agriculture, said in a written statement.
Since January, the Department of Agriculture has rescued more than 1,100 dogs from substandard facilities in Missouri.
