PETA get involved in Tuktoyaktuk sled dog cruelty case *LINK*
[Received this from PETA today - will write reply to them including a request for PETA to take an interest in the Behchoko, NWT sled dog cruelty case and also to get on the case of Yukon authorities who support sled dog exploitation and cruelty, especially the Yukon Quest/Yukon Disgrace which fittingly starts on Valentine's Day - Listened to CBC Yukon weekend morning show today and one of the Quest's biggest fans at CBC, Bob Unger, played an interview with a representative from a public art gallery which is having an exhibit of historical dog photos from Yukon Archives, partly in honour of the Yukon Quest].
I’m a cruelty caseworker with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and we have been working on a case in Tuktoyaktuk , Northwest Territories , Canada since the end of December. We have been fighting to get help for three dogs who are tethered with no shelter in extremely low temperatures. Unfortunately, the Tuktoyaktuk RCMP have failed to respond to our, and our members’, pleas to confiscate or demand better shelter for these dogs. Please click here for photos and more information. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Joshua Heller, Cruelty Caseworker
Emergency Response Team
Cruelty Investigations Department
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA)
Tel: 757-962-8226
Fax: 757-628-0796
