Wild dog kills pony in Battle Creek
February 25, 2009 - 5:51PM
CALHOUN COUNTY, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Police are warning pet owners and parents in Calhoun County about a wild dog on the loose.
The dog struck about a week ago at a home in the 300 block of Waubascon Road in Battle Creek, where it attacked and killed a pony.
Newschannel 3 spoke to the owner of that pony Wednesday afternoon.
The area near Waubascon Road has plenty of open space and woods. The owner of the miniature pony said he didn't think a dog was capable of doing what it did.
Bruce Van Nocker has a barn full of animals, and a grandson who names them all. But a week after the incident that claimed the pony's life and Van Nocker still can't bear to tell the five year old what happened to Niecko.
"He was my grandson's favorite," said Van Nocker. "I told him we sold the pony and had to get a new one."
Niecko, the miniature pony, was attacked by a dog, and his injuries were too severe for the vet to save him.
"I had to come in the house for a while after that too," said Van Nocker, "I had the vet put him down while I wasn't out there."
Now Battle Creek Police are searching for a dark brown dog, that weighs about 50 pounds.
"Dogs of this nature will attack if they feel threatened," said Lt. Duane Knight of the Battle Creek Police.
Police say that in December of 2008, someone dumped three dogs near Waubascon and Hubbard, they've already found and killed two of them, just one remains.
To help his grandson cope, Van Nocker has already replace Niecko, and now he hopes that police can ease his worries.
"I sleep on the couch so I can hear them better," said Van Nocker, "my bedroom's in the back, if I hear barking, I get up."
Police describe the wild dog as a pit bull, dark brown or chocolate brown, full-grown and weighing about 50 pounds.
Police say if you see the dog, do not try to capture or corner it, call them instead.
