Woman Rescued After Falling 20 Feet
POSTED: 11:23 am EST February 25, 2009
UPDATED: 6:19 pm EST February 25, 2009
Startled Dog Causes Woman To Slip Over Cliff
CHARLOTTE, Vt. -- A woman was walking her dog along Lake Champlain in Charlotte Wednesday morning when her dog took of after an animal, causing her to slip and fall about 20 feet down a cliff, according to rescue officials.
Startled Dog Causes Woman To Slip Over Cliff
She managed to grab on to a branch preventing her from falling another 40 or so feet onto the ice.
Raw Video: Footage Of Cliff, Rescue Response
Slideshow: View Images From Cliff Rescue
The woman, who was not identified, was able to call 911 from her cell phone and fire officials were able to pull her up from the Whalley Road cliff at about 10 a.m.
She was taken by ambulance to Fletcher Allen Hospital, rescue officials said.
The woman was conscious and did not appear to be seriously injured as rescue officials took her from the scene.
The dog was uninjured in the incident.
Raw Video: Footage Of Cliff, Rescue Response
Slideshow: View Images From Cliff Rescue
